Linda Loring Nature Foundation
The Linda Loring Nature Foundation preserves the biological diversity of its 275-acre property on Nantucket and connects people of all ages to nature through environmental education and research.

We work to protect the rare and unique habitats of Nantucket through hands-on stewardship.
Stewardship →
Our 275 acres of open space serves as a living laboratory for exceptional opportunities in ecological research.
Research at LLNF →
LLNF is dedicated to environmental education and connecting people of all ages and backgrounds to nature.
Programming →
Science Pub 2025
Our popular speaker series is back for 2025!
Watch as Dr. Katherine Maltby of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, discusses Northeast fishing communities on the frontlines of climate change.
Up Next: Master Bird Bander Libby Buck of the Linda Loring Nature Foundation
Featured Stories
As someone from Ireland, I have never seen a snake, whether or not that’s thanks to the legend of St. Patrick banishing snakes, you decide. When I arrived on Nantucket, I was fascinated to learn that it is actually home to six snake species! These are the eastern garter snake, ring-necked snake, eastern milk snake, northern water snake, eastern ribbon snake, and smooth green snake. The diversity was an interesting surprise.