Trail & Property Information

Trail Information

A self-guided scenic trail is open to the public from sunrise to sunset, 365 days a year. Our trail is located at 110 Eel Point Road. The trail is approximately one mile long and is fairly easy walking with a few modest inclines. The trails are for walking and the quiet enjoyment of nature. Please note: horses, dogs, bicycles, and smoking are not allowed per our conservation restriction.

Habitat Information

The natural communities found on Nantucket represent a diversity of habitats that are home to numerous plant and animal species. At the Linda Loring Nature Foundation, the 275 acres of open space is dominated by coastal heathlands, sandplain grasslands, and vegetated wetlands. These habitats provide sanctuary for an abundance of wildlife.

The heathlands and sandplain grassland communities are designated as globally threatened ecosystems and are also home to a number of species listed by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP).  Additionally, the Nantucket Land Council documented two vernal pools on the property which have been certified by NHESP.

What Might You See?

Biological inventories have identified five plant species listed by NHESP as rare in Massachusetts, Corema conradii (broom crowberry), Linum intercursum (yellow flax), Crocanthemum dumosum (bushy rockrose), Amelanchier nantucketensis (Nantucket shadbush), and Sisyrinchium fuscatum (sandplain blue-eyed grass) were documented by Robert Zaremba (1983).

The open landscape also provides excellent breeding habitat for the graceful Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonius) and Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). In addition to the wildlife that lives on the property, an abundance of migratory species find refuge here.   

Sandplain blue-eyed grass

Northern Harrier

Complete inventories of the property will evaluate the presence of other species of special interest and contribute to an overall land management plan for the property. Education through the outdoor classroom at the Linda Loring Nature Foundation will deepen one’s connection to nature and strengthen the understanding of conservation issues and ecological relationships of the local environment, thus promoting habitat protection.