Linda Loring was a devoted wildlife advocate and conservationist. She strongly believed in giving people a chance to learn about and enjoy the natural world. She had a special connection to Nantucket, particularly her neighborhood along Eel Point Road.
Beginning in 1957, she purchased land between Eel Point Road and Madaket Road, one parcel at a time. Eventually, she connected it into an impressive 275-acre contiguous tract as a wildlife sanctuary for the plants and animals she treasured. She would not sell or develop her vast open property. Loring's objective was to preserve her land and establish a foundation to help fulfill her dream of creating a nature center on Nantucket.
In 1999, she established the Linda Loring Nature Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and donated an initial 5 acres to create the foundation's property. The foundation became operational in 2007 with the hiring of our Executive Director, Kitty Pochman. Since that time the property has increased in size, with additional gifts of land from Linda Loring and an 18-acre tract generously donated to LLNF in 2017 by the Nature Conservancy in a historic move to help protect our local landscapes. We celebrated this remarkable land transfer in our 10th year of operation.
Linda Loring died peacefully at her home on Nantucket in 2019 at the age of 99. The Foundation, which now encompasses all of the property that Linda protected, carries on her mission of connecting people of all ages and backgrounds to nature and plays a vital role in the community of Nantucket.