In this workshop, we will explore the techniques used in professional bird banding, learn about the significance of long-term bird research, and examine how banding data contributes to conservation efforts. Unlike our typical banding sessions, this workshop will give you the chance to experience all aspects of bird banding firsthand, with a technical approach to each step in the process.
Join Master Bird Bander Libby Buck at the LLNF bird banding station, where we will capture, band, and release wild birds under state and federal permits. Participants will gain hands-on experience using specialized tools and methods while discussing the science behind bird banding and its role in conservation.
In this workshop, we will:
Set up and take down mist nets for safe bird capture
Extract birds from nets using proper handling techniques
Identify birds by species, age, and sex
Determine the correct band size and learn proper placement with specialized banding tools.
Measure and weigh each bird, and evaluate their health and fitness.
Contribute and learn about the data being used at the LLNF Banding Station.
No previous knowledge is required.
This workshop will be at an established banding station where we will keep to the cut paths or “net lanes”; there is a picnic bench where we will be doing all the processing. This program offers hands-on participation but is not a requirement. Attendees can participate at their own comfort level. All registered participants will be emailed with details on proper attire and other information related to this workshop.