Filtering by: “Public Programs”
Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Nature Ramble - Fall Migration on Nantucket

Nature Ramble - Fall Migration on Nantucket

Nantucket is a perfect place to rest and relax, especially if you're a bird flying south for the winter. Join us on this guided nature walk to learn about fall migration and what birds depend on Nantucket for this important journey. We will walk along the trails at the LLNF property and keep a lookout for our beloved birds.

We’ll explore sandplain grasslands and coastal heathland habitats, and enjoy views of Long Pond as we traverse a portion of the Linda Loring Nature Foundation's Eel Point Road property. We'll see what’s blooming, fruiting, flying, and crawling around the trails. Bring your nature questions- discussion is encouraged!

Rambles are free to attend and open to all!  


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Birding Field Trip

Birding Field Trip

These trips will explore Nantucket’s birding hotspots and offer participants a chance to observe birds in their natural habitats. Binoculars, spotting scope, and field guides are available to borrow. All experience levels welcome.

Birding Field Trips are free and open to all!

Pre-registration is required. Please submit a unique registration for each participant. The deadline to register for each Wednesday’s trip is Tuesday at 12pm.

We will meet at 7:45 AM at the LLNF office, 110 Eel Point Road, to check in and board our van. The trip will depart promptly at 8 AM. Personal transportation to and from LLNF is required to participate.

Please direct any questions to


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Nature Ramble - Ethnobotany (Plants and People)

Nature Ramble - Ethnobotany (Plants and People)

Plants have been a source of food, culture, and medicine for the entirety of human history all around the world. Nantucket is no exception! Come and join us on the trails as we explore how our local flora has been a part of our history since the first settlers and why some practices so common hundreds of years ago are seldom used today.

We’ll explore sandplain grasslands and coastal heathland habitats, and enjoy views of Long Pond as we traverse a portion of the Linda Loring Nature Foundation's Eel Point Road property. We'll see what’s blooming, fruiting, flying, and crawling around the trails. Bring your nature questions- discussion is encouraged!

Rambles are free to attend and open to all!  


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Bird Banding Blitz: Catch the Migration with Libby Buck

Bird Banding Blitz: Catch the Migration with Libby Buck

This event is part of the Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative’s 20th anniversary celebration week. Get ready for an exciting Bioblitz day at LLNF! Kick off the morning with a bird banding session with Master Bird Bander Libby Buck. You'll have the opportunity to observe migrating songbirds like Black-capped Chickadees and Gray Catbirds up close as we capture, band, and release them. Learn about the bird banding process and its importance in protecting our local bird populations. Since the event is outdoors, dress accordingly and registration is required.


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Linda Loring Nature Foundation Restoration BioBlitz at 90 Eel Point Rd

Linda Loring Nature Foundation Restoration BioBlitz at 90 Eel Point Rd

This event is part of the Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative’s 20th anniversary celebration week. Join the Linda Loring Nature Foundation’s Conservation Research, Education, and Stewardship staff to find, identify, and record as many plant and animal species as possible at the in-progress restoration area at 90 Eel Point Road, a part of the LLNF property currently closed to the general public. In 2023, several acres of invasive pine were cut opening up the landscape to sandplain grassland and heathland species. As LLNF works to create a more resilient landscape, we plan to catalog the species currently occupying the area. We will traverse upland sandplain grassland habitat, freshwater wetlands, brackish pond edges, and some small pitch pine forests.

Help us catalog this newer property and be a part of our biodiversity inventory!  


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Birding Field Trip

Birding Field Trip

These trips will explore Nantucket’s birding hotspots and offer participants a chance to observe birds in their natural habitats. Binoculars, spotting scope, and field guides are available to borrow. All experience levels welcome.

Birding Field Trips are free and open to all!

Pre-registration is required. Please submit a unique registration for each participant. The deadline to register for each Wednesday’s trip is Tuesday at 12pm.

We will meet at 7:45 AM at the LLNF office, 110 Eel Point Road, to check in and board our van. The trip will depart promptly at 8 AM. Personal transportation to and from LLNF is required to participate.

Please direct any questions to


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Nature Ramble - Fall Colors

Nature Ramble - Fall Colors

Fall always proves to be one of the most picturesque times of the year. The green foliage we are used to takes on a whole other palate of warm colors right before the leaves fall. What causes these changes every year? Where do these colors come from? Why are the leaves that fall to the ground so important for the ecosystem? Join us on the LLNF trails as we explore these questions and more while enjoying the changing landscape!

We’ll explore sandplain grasslands and coastal heathland habitats, and enjoy views of Long Pond as we traverse a portion of the Linda Loring Nature Foundation's Eel Point Road property. We'll see what’s blooming, fruiting, flying, and crawling around the trails. Bring your nature questions- discussion is encouraged!

Rambles are free to attend and open to all!  


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Birding Field Trip

Birding Field Trip

These trips will explore Nantucket’s birding hotspots and offer participants a chance to observe birds in their natural habitats. Binoculars, spotting scope, and field guides are available to borrow. All experience levels welcome.

Birding Field Trips are free and open to all!

Pre-registration is required. Please submit a unique registration for each participant. The deadline to register for each Wednesday’s trip is Tuesday at 12pm.

We will meet at 7:45 AM at the LLNF office, 110 Eel Point Road, to check in and board our van. The trip will depart promptly at 8 AM. Personal transportation to and from LLNF is required to participate.

Please direct any questions to


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Nature Ramble - Research at LLNF

Nature Ramble - Research at LLNF

Visit our living laboratory here at 110 Eel Point Rd, and learn about what research we are conducting and results that have helped shape the way we think about our gem of a property. As we walk along our trails, step into the role of a researcher to see what we can learn!

We’ll explore sandplain grasslands and coastal heathland habitats, and enjoy views of Long Pond as we traverse a portion of the Linda Loring Nature Foundation's Eel Point Road property. We'll see what’s blooming, fruiting, flying, and crawling around the trails. Bring your nature questions- discussion is encouraged!

Rambles are free to attend and open to all!  


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Birding Field Trip

Birding Field Trip

These trips will explore Nantucket’s birding hotspots and offer participants a chance to observe birds in their natural habitats. Binoculars, spotting scope, and field guides are available to borrow. All experience levels welcome.

Birding Field Trips are free and open to all!

Pre-registration is required. Please submit a unique registration for each participant. The deadline to register for each Wednesday’s trip is Tuesday at 12pm.

We will meet at 7:45 AM at the LLNF office, 110 Eel Point Road, to check in and board our van. The trip will depart promptly at 8 AM. Personal transportation to and from LLNF is required to participate.

Please direct any questions to


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Birding Field Trip

Birding Field Trip

These trips will explore Nantucket’s birding hotspots and offer participants a chance to observe birds in their natural habitats. Binoculars, spotting scope, and field guides are available to borrow. All experience levels welcome.

Birding Field Trips are free and open to all!

Pre-registration is required. Please submit a unique registration for each participant. The deadline to register for each Wednesday’s trip is Tuesday at 12pm.

We will meet at 7:45 AM at the LLNF office, 110 Eel Point Road, to check in and board our van. The trip will depart promptly at 8 AM. Personal transportation to and from LLNF is required to participate.

Please direct any questions to


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Birding Field Trip

Birding Field Trip

These trips will explore Nantucket’s birding hotspots and offer participants a chance to observe birds in their natural habitats. Binoculars, spotting scope, and field guides are available to borrow. All experience levels welcome.

Birding Field Trips are free and open to all!

Pre-registration is required. Please submit a unique registration for each participant. The deadline to register for each Wednesday’s trip is Tuesday at 12pm.

We will meet at 7:45 AM at the LLNF office, 110 Eel Point Road, to check in and board our van. The trip will depart promptly at 8 AM. Personal transportation to and from LLNF is required to participate.

Please direct any questions to


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Bird Banding

Bird Banding

Join Master Bander Libby Buck for a new immersive experience at our bird banding station here at Linda Loring Nature Foundation. Enjoy an up close view of the bird banding process and get the chance to see migratory birds, songbirds and birds that may be in your back garden. 

Learn about important data collected on migration patterns, breeding, wintering areas, survival rates, and lifespan, and how this information is used for conservation and stewardship. 

Banding is weather dependent. Banding may be canceled at any time with limited notice. Please check your email leading up to the event.


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Nature Ramble - Climate Change Impacts at LLNF

Nature Ramble - Climate Change Impacts at LLNF

Did you know that the Linda Loring Nature Foundation conducts research on and monitors the effects of climate change?

In celebration of Climate Change Awareness Month, join Dr. Sarah Bois, Director of Research and Education, for a climate change tour around LLNF. She’ll showcase LLNF research in action, demonstrate tools we can all use to track changes in our environments, and help participants identify climate change indicators.

How is climate change already affecting LLNF and the island? How is it expected to affect our flora and fauna in the near future? We’ll explore these topics as we tour the LLNF property, highlight areas potentially vulnerable to impacts of climate like sea level rise and warming temperatures, and discuss local efforts to mitigate for climate change effects.

Walking over our gently rolling trails, we’ll explore sandplain grasslands and coastal heathland habitats, and enjoy views of Long Pond as we traverse a portion of the Linda Loring Nature Foundation's Eel Point Road property. We'll see what’s blooming, fruiting, flying, and crawling around the trails. Bring your nature questions- discussion is encouraged!

Rambles are free to attend and open to all!  

Click here to register

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