Snapping Turtles of Nantucket


Snapping Turtles

Click the link below for ecology, natural history, range, and more about snapping turtles.


Snapping Turtles in the news

Below are some links to articles about Nantucket’s snapping turtles.

Yesterday’s Island 2022. Nantucket’s Team Turtle

Yesterday’s Island 2019. Ode to an Unloved or Overloved Species.

Nantucket Conservation Foundation. The Turtles of Nantucket


Turtles of Nantucket

We love our snapping turtles, but Nantucket is home to some other amazing turtle species. Check out the link below to learn more.

Educational Resources

Turtle crafts: Egg carton turtles
Snapping Turtle Chompers: Craft template