Highlighted Stewardship Projects

The Linda Loring Nature Foundation works diligently to be stewards of the globally rare sandplain grasslands and coastland heathland habitats found on our property, with ongoing restoration and land management projects. We maintain our property to support environmental education, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and provide public walking trails for all to enjoy.

Resilient Restoration

Sea level rise projections show that much of the LLNF property around the North Head of Long Pond will be inundated by salt water in the near and long term. LLNF sees itself as a potential mitigation space for climate change impacts and so began our Resilient Restoration project with funding from the Community Foundation for Nantucket and the ReMain Nantucket Fund.

We engaged Wilkinson Ecological, an ecological design and restoration company, to create a native, biodiverse habitat that blends in with the surrounding upland sandplain grassland on the north side and the brackish wetland bordering the pond, serving as a buffer to mitigate environmental impacts.

More details and full article on this ongoing project.

Pine Removal for Grassland Restoration

LLNF has been focusing on the removal of non-native invasive Japanese Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii) while promoting sandplain grassland and coastal heathland restoration and expansion.
Check out the StoryMap to learn more about this project.


Trail Enhancement and Maintenance

The LLNF trails are maintained to ensure a pleasant experience for our visitors. This includes regular mowing and maintenance of the trails, as well as benches for visitors to take rests along the way.
Our Trails