Yesterdays Island Dr. Sarah Bois Yesterdays Island Dr. Sarah Bois

It’s Still Summer

I’ve been trying to think about how to capture this mid- to late-August feeling. It’s a bit like summer is winding down, but I know that the warm weather and beach days will continue well into September. Maybe it’s that the onslaught of back-to-school advertisements and school emails that has me thinking about fall. It surely isn’t the air. There is no crisp, clear September scent just yet. We’re still in the hazy warm days of August. Is there a name for late summer? How about Still Summer. Like, “hello, it’s still summer.”

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Yesterdays Island Dr. Sarah Bois Yesterdays Island Dr. Sarah Bois

Weed Warriors

Over the past two decades there has been a growing problem on-island as more and more non-native invasive plants (and other species) establish and dominate. Some species new to our region don’t cause harm, establishing in small populations without changing local ecology. However, it is the domineering plants that cause economic, ecological, or harm to human health that are managed. For a place which prides itself on its conservation and biodiversity, protecting these resources is of vital importance.

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Yesterdays Island Dr. Sarah Bois Yesterdays Island Dr. Sarah Bois

Klepto-Gulls of Nantucket Island

You may have heard about the recent theft that occurred at Stop and Shop. A man’s wallet was stolen from his cart right in the parking lot. It was front page news! Ok, it wasn’t front page news, but the perpetrator was identified as a frequent culprit of such crimes—a seagull.

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